Multiple clubs participating.
All PITA rules apply.
ENTRY FEE: Varies by club depending on cost of targets and State/Provincial fees. Example: If an
Oregon club charges $20.00 per event (includes OSTA target fee and cashier/postage fee) plus $4
PITA daily fee ($64 for all 3 events) this may allow the club money ($10 each event) for some sort of HOA trophies. Entry can be lower depending on practice costs of club and the added things they offer. For more information on setting your club rate contact Sue at the number above.
Event Cashier will combine scores from ALL locations, compute LEWIS CLASS PURSE winners for each event ($8.00 of each entry forms the Lewis purse paid one group for each 10 entries, maximum of four groups, 60%-40% high gun-US Funds) and mail checks to winners at the end of the August event (winnings from June, July & Aug events). A total of $9.00 is sent to PITA – $8 for Lewis and $1 for expenses.
P.I.T.A. High Over All pin awarded to the shooter with the highest score of all clubs participating for each monthly event (150 targets). Special Multiplex High Over All name tags awarded to the HOA winner and the HOA in each State & Province.
Results will be posted at www.shootpita.com.
Common questions:
You can not have anyone shooting practice targets on the same squad with those shooting registered targets. (PITA Rulebook pg. 14, item j)
If a club only has one or two shooters that want to participate their squad will need a referee in
addition to the scorekeeper (PITA Rulebook pg. 16, Squads, item a, last sentence)
Scores must be reported on the Event Entry Form (Excel spreadsheet) to Sue Brewer, cashier, by phone, fax or email as soon as possible and no later than Friday (June 7th, July 5th, Aug 9th).
Once recorded by Sue, the scores will be posted at www.shootpita.com for the club to verify with the original score sheets, unless scores sheets have been faxed. We must assure scores are recorded correctly before the purses can be computed. All payout results are final on the following Wednesday at 9:00 a.m.
Records and score sheets from these events should be retained by the club for at least two years just like all other PITA registered events.
Supplies Needed:
PITA membership applications (available on the forms page at www.shootpita.com)
Event Entry Form (provided by PITA)
50 bird score sheets (provided by CLUB)
Clubs may add any options they desire, computed by the club. Examples are cal, long run, high over all trophies.
Fire up the BBQ for burgers/hot dogs and have a fun day/evening of registered shooting.
More on PITA here