What It Costs

What does it cost to join and shoot with Central Okanagan Shotguns Sporting Club?

Annual memberships are $150 if paid before December 31. After that the cost is $200.

This includes $5,000,000.00 Liability Insurance per member. Click here for details.

Lifetime members are required to pay an annual insurance and administration fee of $75. If they don’t pay annual insurance costs they will still be members for life, but will not have range privileges.

For new members joining during the year the cost will be $200 if they join between Jan 1 and July 31 and $100 if they join between August 1 and October 31. For new members joining after November 1, they will pay $150 which includes the remainder of the current year as well as the following year (14 months). Life members will pay $75 for the year. The club will no longer offer life memberships.

You can pay for your membership into the Central Okanagan Shotgun Sports Club on line by making an e-transfer to cossc2018@gmail.com  These fees will be automatically deposited. We will need your full name, address, city, postal code, phone number, e-mail address and PAL number.  Remember that this membership into COSSC gives you membership into the NFA along with Liability insurance.

Punch cards for 10 rounds of 25 targets cost $100.

For non-members if you’d like to join us for the day, a Day Pass costs $25 and $10.00 for each round. Non-members are welcome for a maximum of 3 visits after which they must join the club to maintain shooting privileges.

Fees raised will go towards funding ongoing club improvements.

Any questions? Please contact us at cossc2018@gmail.com and we can send you information or give you a call.