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Best Shoot Yet!

Thanks to all the participants who came out to Kelowna’s Central Okanagan Shotgun Sports Club for one of our best attended shoots yet. New members, novices and veterans all survived the chilly weather for some great fun. Thanks very much for your support. Our next shoot will be November 22 and it will probably be warmer. In the meantime we are open every Saturday and Sunday from 10 o’clock.

Lisa Cunningham of Comox has a great year!

Congratulations to Lisa Cunningham who has had an incredible skeet season. Lisa is well known to valley competitors as she regularly takes part in our Central Okanagan Tournaments.

I found this article on the Comox Valley Record.

First Lash Larue Memorial Shoot a Great Success

We had over 35 shooters competing in 5 Stand, Skeet, Trap and Trap Doubles.

Thanks to all the competitors, volunteers and Tara Turner for the photos.


Three generations of Turners out to compete. On the left is Garth with his son Dan next to him and grandson Josh in the middle.The Turner clan and their friends come out regularly to shoot and support Central Okanagan Shotgun Sports Club

Beth was one of the volunteers who helped out with the shoot. Beth also teaches Yoga and you can find her at

What is Multiplex? Central Okanagan Shotgun Sports Club Kelowna

A fun way to compete against yourself and measure your progress as a trap shooter.

A PITA registered event held the first Sunday of each month consisting of 50 singles, 50 handicap and 25 pair of doubles with an optional sub-gauge singles event.  The entry fee varies by club depending on cost of targets and Provincial fees.  

COSSC charges

$6 per round for targets

$4 PITA daily fee

3 cents per target BCTA fee

$12.50 per event Lewis option fee

And you can win back…

The PITA event cashier will combine scores from ALL locations and compute LEWIS CLASS PURSE winners for each event-singles, handicap, doubles and sub-gauge singles. $12.50 of each entry pre event forms the Lewis purse paid one group for each 10 entries, maximum of four groups, 60%-40% high gun-US Funds.  PITA mails checks to winners at the end of each season. 

A Multiplex HOA Name Tag is awarded to the HOA winner in each Province. Pins are awarded based on your province of residency.  You must shoot all targets 600 targets to qualify. Sub-gauge not included.

Competing in registered PITA shoots allows you to build a handicap in order to compete at your level in regional and Provincial competitions.

COSSC shooters have won some nice $ from the Lewis but no Name Tags yet.

For more details please check our website at:

Clubhouse and Sporting Clays-lots going on at Central Okanagan Shotgun Sports Club

With some long days put in by our volunteers we will have the roof finished by next weekend, trusses, sheathing and ProLock roofing installed.

Work has begun on a road into the sporting clays field. This should be our project for next spring.

We also spent some time last week clearing out a section of the trout pond and we’re looking into introducing some rainbow trout.

Clubhouse Progress

This weekend we managed to get all of our roof trusses in place. Next comes the sheathing and finally the roof. Big thanks to all the volunteers who have helped us get to this point. The building should be ready by the time the snow falls. If you’d like to make a donation to the building fund ( we need to pay for the roofing) please contact Pat Bare at 250 768 3301