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Open Saturdays

We have had a couple of extraordinary snowfalls in November and have managed to dig ourselves out. We have cleared the skeet and two trap fields and are open for shooting on Saturdays starting at 10:00 am. Leave the valley clouds behind you and come up and enjoy the sunshine.

Upcoming Turkey Shoots

Central Okanagan Shotgun Sports Club – Kelowna – November 27

Rock Creek – December 4

South Okanagan Sportsmen’s Assoc. -Oliver – December 11

North Okanagan Trap and Skeet – Vernon – December 18

Central Okanagan Shotgun Sports Club – Kelowna- Boxing Day December 26

Garth Turner Hunter Special Results

NameScore out of 100Placed
Appell, Al91High Overall
Haavik, Russel89
Haavik, Richard88Runner up Hunter Special with 21/25
Hjorth, Dan84 
Burgess, Greg80
Scott, John78
England, Mike75 
Chancey, Don72
Wightman, Glenn71
Stapleton, Bryan69
Turner, Dave69High Overall Turner
Brown, Matlock68
Coutts, Steve67
Macaulay, Gord67 
Bare, Pat65
Turner, Josh65High Overall Hunter Special with 22 /25 and Runner up for Turner High Overall
O’Brien, Mark64 
Turner, Darren62 
Hoeppner, Elain60
Turner, Geoff59 
Hickey, John56
Hughs, John56
Vestner, Grant56
Bull, Steve55
Harding, Bob55
Knorr, Brandon55
Haaheim, Don54 
Jones, Aaron54
Turner, Danny54
Cobden, Roy53
Wozny, Earl50
Brown, Terry49
Bull, Bob48
Turner, Kyler48
Howlet, Micheal44
Knorr, Katie40
Howlet, Bruce30
Brown, Peggy29
Turner, Cole17DNF
 Bachman, BrentPAID, but did not Shoot.
It was a great day for the Garth Turner Hunter Special. We had 40 shooters come out and everyone had a fun day. Special Thanks to Dave Turner and all the volunteers who made the day such a success.

Our August Registered Shoot

Congratulations to our winners. Thanks to all of our volunteers who helped make this the exceptional event it was. Thanks to all of our donors whose contributions to the silent auction helped raise significant funds for the club. See you next May for our Spring Registered Event! Special thanks to Pat and Peggy Bare for all their hard work in making this shoot a success. Trophy Report below:

Central Okanagan Shotgun Sports Club Pre-Labour Day PITA Shoot

August 26-28, 2022


Event 1 – Doubles – 10 entries

A class –           no entry

B class –           Jim Glenn         –     84

C class –           John Scott       –     89

D class –           Greg Zavaduk   –     84

Event 6 – Singles – 15 entries

A class –           no entry

B class –           Gerry Bergen   –     85

C class –           Greg Zavaduk   –     97

D class –           Fred Bihun       –     94

Event 7 – Handicap – 15 entries

Winner –          Bill Kacenas            –     90

Event 8 – Singles – 18 entries

A class –           Kevin Hammel         –     97

                        Mike Noer              –     97 – winner of c/t

B class –           Greg Zavaduk         –     96

C class –           Joon Lee                –     97

D class –           Paolo Padoin           –     90

Event 9 – Handicap – 18 entries

Winner –          John Scott             –     98

Combined 200 singles –

                        Greg Zavaduk         193/200

Combined 200 Handicap –

                        John Scott             183/200

2022 Canadian Skeet Championships

Congratulations to Elaine Hoeppner and Bob Larue on their excellent results at the recent 2022 Canadian Skeet Championships. Elaine won the Ladies High Overall Championship. Bob won the .410, tied Dean Herzberg of Kingston, for High Overall Skeet Championship and after a shoot off, came away with Runner Up HOA for the weekend. Bob also won every Seniors event of the Championship.

This year’s competiton took place at the Hamilton Gun Club Grounds in Stoney Creek, Ontario with 86 skeet competitors from across Canada.

Pre-Labour Day Registered Shoot

Extra information

   Give us an idea if coming to the shoot so we can plan to serve you better.    

PreRegister by calling or e-mailing Pat

All shooters must be members in the PITA for the current year.

PITA daily fee of $ 4.00

BCTA fee of $3.00 per 100 targets

Saturday evening Dinner, Pot luck, bring your favorite dish. Club will donate the Ham

2022 Sporting Clays Results

Here are the results of this past weekends sporting clays challenge at Central Okanagan Shotgun Sports Club.

Congratulations to Al Appel who won in a shoot off. I spoke with some participants from Mission & District Rod & Gun Club who were happy that they made the trip. They enjoyed the shoot and were very complimentary of the course layout, targets etc, then they returned on Sunday for a round of 5 Stand with Glenn. Thanks to all the participants and we look forward to the next Sporting Clays Challenge in Kelowna.